Hi, I'm setting up my first aquarium (20long planted freshwater); at the moment I've got cherry shrimp, zebra danios, and a couple of white cloud mountain minnows (plan to get more so they're not lonely) but I'm planning to get something a little bigger for the tank in the future. I'm drawn to swordtails and mollies, especially the orange and black ones, but I'm having trouble figuring out the size of each?
From what I understand, mollies get to be about 5.5 inches, which is a little bigger than what I would like (I'd prefer about 4 inches for the size of my tank). But when I try to research swordtails, I'm finding sources claiming anything from 3-4 inches to 6-7 inches. Is the difference based on whether or not they measure the tail? Or do they just vary that much naturally? I also heard it mentioned that many fish store swordtails are cross-bred with platies; does that have something to do with it? If there is a variant that's smaller I'd probably want that one.
From what I understand, mollies get to be about 5.5 inches, which is a little bigger than what I would like (I'd prefer about 4 inches for the size of my tank). But when I try to research swordtails, I'm finding sources claiming anything from 3-4 inches to 6-7 inches. Is the difference based on whether or not they measure the tail? Or do they just vary that much naturally? I also heard it mentioned that many fish store swordtails are cross-bred with platies; does that have something to do with it? If there is a variant that's smaller I'd probably want that one.