How Big Do Pictus Catfish Get


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Feb 21, 2007
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new orleans louisisana u.s.a
iv got 3 pictus cats and was wondering if anyone knew how big they got ,,,,,, i was told at the pet store they get to about 8 inches but i no ost cats can get to like 3FEET!!!!!!!!!!!!
so wuts the truth :unsure:
My guys are at about 6" and all the reserach Ive done says no more than 8" in home aquariums. Crazy little catfish those guys are!
a tip, mine Loooooove prawn!
i have 2 , a big one around 6" & a wee one around 3", the big one eats anything that wil fit in his mouth so small slender fish wont work, and he is a bloody pest, i was cleaning out the tank the other day and he got caught in it, had to cut his dorsal fin free and and one of his side fin's, crazy fish thrashing about in the water and tryign to slach me with thos razor sharp fins he has

got a fine 6 inch p. pictus, just on a year old. bit skittish, but gets on with all the other tank guests! I gave it a long 3 foot swim and now it is well chilled. lol still goes frantic when the food goes in though.
years ago my uncle bought a pictus, tis was our first time with this type of catfish, and th guy double bagged it etc, i asked why the do ble bagging etc, he said it has a tendany to burst the bags etc, he wasnt wrong, we were sitting on the train on the way home, and it looked like my uncle had pee'd himself, so once we got off the short journey we rushed home to try to rescue the fish, whic in the end was absoluetly fine but when my uncle was trying to help it out of the bag and it flciked his pectorsal fin at him, slashing his finger, fairly deeply and left him with a scar of about 1 inch, so beware people they are fighters!!! ,lol


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