How Big Can Corys Actually Get And How Fast?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 27, 2006
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Hi, I love my cory's, but I was wanting to know the actual adult size they can grow to and the average time to grow to full mature size. I havent had mine all that long, But they are rather fast growers and now rival my old full grown Dwarf Gourami for the biggest in the tank. :D

Just wondering. Maybe I over feed my lil' buddies.

Cute though aren't they?

Peppered corys are one of the bigger corys growing all of 3.5 inches max.

I'll bet your mates cory thats so big is a brochis or hoplo of some sort.

Emma :)
No lie, i'm sure its a cory! its huge tho, its in a 5 foot tank with 4 danios and thats it. it hides in a ornament boat all day and only comes out to eat. i think it is a generic freak like sometimes u get giant people maybe u get giant corys lol, its either that or he has nuclear water :alien: lol!
if it hides all day its probably a synodontis of some sort. they get pretty big and have a similar shape to corys. Corys aren't generally nocturnal.

Emma :D
Hi Walker Anderson :)

Your corys look great. They are big and healthy looking! :thumbs:

I've found that the faster corys grow, the better it is for them. Female corys will usually grow bigger than the males, and it looks like you have two mature females there. :D

I doubt that anyone's peppered corys grew to be 8" long. -_-

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