How big a tank do i need ?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2024
Reaction score
Cleburne TX
I currently have in my 20gallon tanks 5 albino corys 5 peppered corys 3 octos 6 mollies and I just ordered 5 sterbai corys from ebay so my question is with that said how much bigger tank yall think I will need if it's a 20 gallon with 3 filters in it?
IMHO you are already overstocked given that the Mollys will grow to over 2 inches. I generally adhere to the 1 inch of fish per gallon of tank water rule taking into account the weight of your substrate and all other items in the tank.
Could I put 5 of the peppered corys in a ten gallon and some of the mollies? Or should I leave them all in there until I can get a bigger tank
If you can decompress the 20 gallon using the 10 gallon (assuming it’s cycled) while cycling a larger tank that would be good. Make certain the new tank volume takes into account the adult size of all your fish.
All my tanks are cycled I might can take 4 of my small mollys and put them in the other two tanks and just leave the 2 big adults in the 20 gallon .
Paleatum (peppered) cories reach 3 inches, and mollies potentially 4 inches. A 40 breeder is better for mollies imo.

Under no permanent circumstances would I house them in a 10g. 20g fine for the paleatum if no other cories and keep to a small group of 6... but ideally you may want larger.

Size references so you can see visually the size of these fish at their peak size..



Paleatum (albino, but is paleatum)

I'd upgrade for sure, I would not house the fish in a 10g any longer than a month, or else it risks staying permanent in many folks cases.

My opinion here: get yourself a nice 4-foot 55 gallon to really enjoy the fish you have, they will have more room and will provide a better display for you and it's big enough for all of them together. :D

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