How big a tank do I need for . . . ?


Fish Addict
Jun 23, 2004
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I want it to be a small tank, with a few interesting fish. Here's what I plan to keep:

1 Angel (may choose not to, but I want to)
2 Gold/Blue Rams
1 Gourami (3 inch, forgot species name)
2 Sterbai Corydoras
(variable #) Ember Tetras

I have a spare ten gallon, but I could buy another tank. Suggestions please, on required size w/ and w/o the Angel.
Without the angel and the tetras, you can get by with a 10 gallon.

With the tetras, probably a 15 or 20.

Angels need MUCH more room as they get quite big and should be kept at LEAST in pairs. I'm not an expert on angels by any means though.
I can't be much help i'm afraid but one thing to consider if you want angels is that they need a tall tank, at least 18" i think...the cories would benefit from a few more of their own kind too...
I'd put those guys in a 25-30 gallon. Put lots of driftwod in there and landscape it. You won't regret the space. You'll have plenty of room for other fish. :hey:

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