How beneficial are apple snails?


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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How beneficial are apple snails to an aquarium and how many good i get for a 90G?

I have had one in my tank for ages. Not the same one, but there haas always been one in there. He goes around the glass cleaning junk off it. I have heard that they aren't the best at algae removal, but I love the little guys. He loves to eat the algae discs I throw in for him.
I've used them in Fry tanks before, they make short work of excess brineshrimp nauplii which have expired and lie on the bottom of the tank.
I also use them to clean up my fry tanks, its much easier cleaning up snail waste then it is un-eaten food.
as long as you remember that apple snails need 2.5 gallons each.
thanks black angek, will do!

im guessin thats in addition to current stock lists so for an example i can only buy 2/3 not 36 lol

I live in Michigan, and about a week ago found what I believe to be an apple snail just about a foot offshore. He's definately as large as one. I put him in my tank, and so far he's doing very well. He had tons of moss on him when I found him, I just left it there. Not sure if there are native to where I live or this is a freak thing, as I've never seen one in the wild before.
Thanks black angel,

thats as i expected with regards adding them as fish so im going to get 3 hopefully.

thanks everyone

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