How And What To Feed My New Bn!?


Fish Crazy
Dec 7, 2006
Reaction score
Ayr, Scotland
Finally found a normal BN pleco today in my LFS!

He is a tank with 10 cories (all bar 3 are juvies)

I know that they like Courqette and Cucumber etc

What else will they eat ?

How long should i leave the food on the fork (to weigh it down) in the tank ?

Ive seen that some people feed them at night and take out the fork with the food on it in the morning?

Any help will be greatly appreciated

Thanks alot

corys shouldnt just be fed on algae wafers and cucumbers as they are actually omnivores!!

your bristlenose will eat algae and cucumer, zuchini

you should also have bogwood in the tank as bristlenose's will graze on this and it has a number of benefits.
Along with veges BNs should have some meaty foods in their diet, mine sometimes has prawns :good:
Yep, prawns are a big favourite here too! Along with blood worm pellets which my BN fry adore too. Courgette if more nutritious than cucumber and I leave mine in the tank over night, any longer and it starts to degrade too much.
Yep, prawns are a big favourite here too! Along with blood worm pellets which my BN fry adore too. Courgette if more nutritious than cucumber and I leave mine in the tank over night, any longer and it starts to degrade too much.


I find there is a kind of 24 hour rule with courgette, which is longer than I would leave cucumber in the tank for. In both cucumber and courgette the skin is the most nutritous part, and I find my BN eats the skin of the courgette no problem but with cucumber he leaves it. Plus courgette is more nutritious on the whole.
Sorry guys havent been on here for a few days.

So i havent been able to thank you all for your input it helped alot!

From what you guys have said i think i have everything covered!


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