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New Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Hi all,

I am very new to all of this, never kept fish and after purchasing my 128 litre tank about a month ago have finally got it up and running (after lots of research and reading on the internet). I have posted a few questions on "Your New Freshwater Tank" section and have had some of my early questions answered. Was originally going down the fishless cycle route but then bought live plants and hat to scrap that idea. So now I am hoping the tank is planted to the point at after a period of observation and hopeful plant growth I will be able to get my first fish and do a silent cycle instead.

Am running a Low Tec planted tank, having placed a layer of fertile substrate (Eco-Complete) under my gravel and I'm currently dosing my tank with Easy Life - Easycarbo 2.5ml every day and ProFito 12ml every week with weekly water changes at 30%, have currently got the temperature at 25C. The only thing I haven't changed is my lighting, have been worried about doing this, I was un-shore weather the current starters would be ok if I was to change from fluorescent lamp 2GLL 2x24W + 10000k (marine double bulbs one white one blue x2) to a daylight bulbs to help the plants growth? I’ve managed to find a T5 compact 24W Daylight bulb on ebay, but haven’t gone ahead with it yet. ????

As I mentioned before had a few plants from a local aquatic shop and yesterday received some new plants that I ordered from Green Machine and spend the evening planting them in, here is a list of was in there at the moment:
1 x Ceratopteris thalictroides (Water Sprite)
2 x Hygrophila polysperma (Rosanervig)
2 x Bacopa Australis
1 x Elodea Densa (Egeria Densa)
1 x Microsorium pteropus "Petit" (Java Fern)
1 x Ceratophyllum demersum (Foxtail)
1 x Hygrophila difformis (water Wisteria)
Some Taxiphyllum Barbieri and unknown plants from aquatic shop

Here are some pictures of the tank at the moment:

I am thinking of doing some moving around when I do a water change.

Too tired to read carefully. What is the current lighting? You might not have to do anything. I'm not a fan of huge amounts of light.

Resist the urge to fiddle with things too much in the beginning. Just let the plants grow. Besides, I think your current layout has a certain charm to it. I like it. :good:
Looks good.
2x24W t5 over 128litres and the addition of carbon (via easycarbo) prevents this tank from being "low tech" ;)More medium-high tech. Will require weekly water changes.
Changing the light will only change how they look to you. The plants wont mind at all. The current white and blue bulb is fine to use, contrary to what you may have heard about blue bulbs (no they dont cause algae and yes they can grow plants without problems).
Thanks of the replies and tank verdicts :D , helpful to know I'm on the right track. Doing weekly water changes and seeing how things grow (spotted some tiny worms in the water, near the gravel the last time I did a water change not sore want that’s all about).

Will leave the lighting as is then and sit back and enjoy for a bit, before I start to thinking of want fish I might get.

Thanks of the replies and tank verdicts :D , helpful to know I'm on the right track. Doing weekly water changes and seeing how things grow (spotted some tiny worms in the water, near the gravel the last time I did a water change not sore want that’s all about).

Will leave the lighting as is then and sit back and enjoy for a bit, before I start to thinking of want fish I might get.


I believe the tiny worms you're thinking of are planaria, I wouldn't worry too much. I had a lot of it in my tank and I assume it as purely from the live plants that were put in there. Once the fish were introduced I think it took about a day till every single one had been eaten haha.
Thanks of the replies and tank verdicts :D , helpful to know I'm on the right track. Doing weekly water changes and seeing how things grow (spotted some tiny worms in the water, near the gravel the last time I did a water change not sore want that’s all about).

Will leave the lighting as is then and sit back and enjoy for a bit, before I start to thinking of want fish I might get.


I believe the tiny worms you're thinking of are planaria, I wouldn't worry too much. I had a lot of it in my tank and I assume it as purely from the live plants that were put in there. Once the fish were introduced I think it took about a day till every single one had been eaten haha.

Nice one :) thanks

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