How About This To Stock A 30 G?


New Member
Mar 3, 2009
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So it's set up, cycled and ready to go.
This is what I want in it, but not sure if it's too much.
I have a Cascade 200 50 G filter 185 GPH on a 29 Gallon. Bubble wall also.

What I am thinking, or rather what I want is
6 Glowlight Danios
6 Cardinal Tetra
3 Harlequin Rasbora
1 Dwarf Gourami
4+ Rummy nose Tetra
3+ Platy

Is that too much? I know to add slowly over time.
What would be the best to start out with, and how many?
Do I need a bottom dweller? What suggestions?
Can I stock for a 29 gallon at 1 inch of fish per gallon or for 50 Gallon, since that is what my filter is, or some where in between.

I've thought about adding possibly Orange Dalmatian, Dalmatian or silver Molly
Zebra Loach,
swordtail, pineapple.

Any suggestions would be great!
Thanks a bunch!
So it's set up, cycled and ready to go.
This is what I want in it, but not sure if it's too much.
I have a Cascade 200 50 G filter 185 GPH on a 29 Gallon. Bubble wall also.

What I am thinking, or rather what I want is
6 Glowlight Danios
6 Cardinal Tetra
3 Harlequin Rasbora
1 Dwarf Gourami
4+ Rummy nose Tetra
3+ Platy

Is that too much? I know to add slowly over time.
What would be the best to start out with, and how many?
Do I need a bottom dweller? What suggestions?
Can I stock for a 29 gallon at 1 inch of fish per gallon or for 50 Gallon, since that is what my filter is, or some where in between.

I've thought about adding possibly Orange Dalmatian, Dalmatian or silver Molly
Zebra Loach,
swordtail, pineapple.

Any suggestions would be great!
Thanks a bunch!

that all sounds pretty fine to me the only thing i would say is maybe not to put the gourami in there on its own. add another one in just son that it doesnt get stressed or bored.
Add the danios first, they're the hardiest. If you get a bottom dweller bristlenoses or rubbernose plec are good for algae but they're sensitive so don't put them in un unestablished tank. Maybe leave till last. :good:

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