House is being fumigated tomorrow

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Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2005
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I have a flea infestation that wouldn't go away with my home remedies, which consisted of treating the cats with advantage and spraying the house with flea insecticide. So tomorrow the good old Orkin Man is going to pay a visit. I have to cover all my tanks with plastic AND turn off my filters.

In actuality I am not turning off my filters though, I am going to take them out and run them in some buckets outside. I am most worried about the covering in plastic thing. I have 8 1g and 1 2.25g bowls. Can I be sure that they will have enough air? I was planning on putting them all on my desk with a kind of bubble over them. I will drape the plastic over my monitor and lamp and then tape it to the underside of my desk. I have to leave them covered for 6 hours. Will they have enough air? I could do it over 2 desks if spreading out the tanks is a good idea. I also have to cover a 30g female betta community, a 20g community tank, a 10g divided tank, a 5g tank and a 55g tank.

I am so worried about my fish, but this is a necessity. I am extremely allergic to flea bites, and I look like I have chicken pox I am so covered. To top it off, I have to go out of town early Saturday morning and I won't be home until Sunday, so they are going to have double stress.

Has anyone done this before? Any advice would be appreciated.
I would, personally, be afraid the fish would suffocate. If I were you I would move the fish temporarily into some sort of small container, and keep them at a friend's house. Cover the tanks with plastic so the homes are clean when the fish go back to them. Whatever you decide, good luck! :thumbs:
I agree with OrkyBetta, but, if that isn't an option, then you can cover it fairly safely with leaving an air pocket. Bettas are shipped in less air than it sounds like you're planning on giving them. I'm sure they'll be fine.
Well, I have 11 males and 16 female bettas, so moving them to a friends house really isn't an option. They are going to have to stay inside today too, because it is raining here today and it isn't warm enough for them to be outside. I have an "L" shaped desk that is quite large, so I think I can make a large air bubble. It is going to have to do, as much as I hate it.

Thanks all.
i think you may be risking a leak by covering them all in one bubble. i assume all of your betta bowls are deep enough to lower the water-line an inch or so? do that and you'll have a nice pocket of clean air for your fish. then take that "press and seal" stuff they make nowadays and seal up each bowl/tank individually (so that if you have one leak, they won't all suffer.) i agree, bettas are constantly shipped for longer than overnight in bags the size of a folded-up dollar bill. every betta you've purchased from a chainstore has been shipped just barely damp at least once and maybe twice. they're the survivors.

i'd be most concerned about the airborne pesticide. the press and seal stuff is amazing and you only have to use a single layer of it. lowering the water level should provide plenty of air for several hours. personally, i'd keep all the fishtanks sealed for the duration of the fumigation and then several hours later while making certain that all traces of the gas are removed from the house.
I have to keep the bowls covered for 6 hours after they leave. No one can be in the house at that time. I love the idea of press and seal, I am going to get some right now. I am going to do water changes on all the bowls, so I can lower the water. I usually keep it 1" below the rim anyway. Did I mention my tanks are all planted with real plants too? I am counting on the cabomba to provide some oxygen to the water.

Thanks for the suggestion, pica, it's the perfect solution, and not one I would have thought of myself. :thumbs:

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