Hot... Or What?


New Member
Dec 5, 2009
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Hi, Everyone.

This is a silly question but I'm not sure so I thought I'd better ask.

I am running my internal filter in a bucket of water (in order to start the colonisation of bacteria before I get to set up my aquarium when it is, eventually, delivered).

Do I need to put a heater in the bucket, also? Do different bacteria form depending on whether you run your filter in a Tropical or a Coldwater Tank or does this make no difference as the bacteria is the same, regardless?

Will warmer water speed-up the colonisation process?
84F/29C will allow the bacteria to grow the fastest.

The same bacteria will grow in tropical and freshwater. The only time you will get the wrong type of bacteria is if you add over 8 ppm of ammonia.

So, just make sure you add up to 5 ppm of ammonia in the bucket and all shout be good. Oh yeah, don't forget to add a good water conditioner to the water as well.

Thanks for the fast reply, FHM!

I'll put in very small amounts and monitor.
You can use the calculator at the top right of the page to figure out how much ammonia to add to the bucket to bring it up to 5 ppm.

Brilliant! This really is a terrific site!

The calculator says I'll need 0.53ml for a 10 litre bucket.

Great advice FHM
Your welcome!

I am glad you are enjoying the site!

Two things about starting your fishless cycle in a bucket: you might want to keep the heater from touching a plastic bucket. Its unlikely but possible that it could get hot enough to melt the bucket.

Secondly, its good to remember that you will want to switch over to the real tank before -too- long because of course 5ppm in the small bucket will be preparing the colonies for a smaller bioload than 5ppm in the larger tank will. But I'm sure that's understood and I agree its a great idea to go ahead and be getting a start like this sooner rather than later.

Thanks for the heads-up, waterdrop.

I had thought that the heater would be OK (as the bucket can hold boiling water) but I can see where touching surfaces might cause a problem.

I'll put a pyrex dish in the bottom of the bucket for it to rest in and then it should be safe.

I'll transfer the filter (and heater) to the Tank asap as soon as it arrives (Happy Day!!!) and I get the substrate, etc., inside; and then add the extra ammonia.

I thought I'd be able to get ammonia from a Pharmacy but ended up going to a little old hardware store.

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