Hosting A Anemone


Fish Fanatic
Jun 25, 2008
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i saw a red rose bubble tip anenome today and i think i want to try to keep one are they hard to keep alive? i hear they move around and can harm corals but i would like something for my pink skunk clowns. i hear they are fragile with temps of the water my water is 78-80.

comments would be appreciated!
They are about the easiest of all of the anemones. Read the anemone page pinned in the Inverts section. Anemones aren't easy to take care of so make sure you know what you're getting into. Remember that your clowns do not need to have an anemone, and they'll do just find without one. :)
They are about the easiest of all of the anemones. Read the anemone page pinned in the Inverts section. Anemones aren't easy to take care of so make sure you know what you're getting into. Remember that your clowns do not need to have an anemone, and they'll do just find without one. :)

yeah i know but i like watching clowns play in anenomes which makes me want one :)
They are about the easiest of all of the anemones. Read the anemone page pinned in the Inverts section. Anemones aren't easy to take care of so make sure you know what you're getting into. Remember that your clowns do not need to have an anemone, and they'll do just find without one. :)

yeah i know but i like watching clowns play in anenomes which makes me want one :)

Haha it is fun watching them host and feed there anenomes :good: good research befor tho
red rose bubbletips are great to have. They are tougher than normal bb tips and better colour. All anemones can wander and cause problems to corals but once they settle down they usually stay put (unless stressed out, then they will wander again). Try not to let it settle underneath a rock or overhang because they will fade and eventually die. They don't like too much water movement either, especially if it is aimed at them. Lots of water moving around them is fine, just not trying to blow them off the rock.
keep the water clean and provide it with good light and it should live for ever.
red bb tips will sometimes divide in half and produce 2 anemones. One will usually stay put and the other will wander off to start a new home somewhere else.
red rose bubbletips are great to have. They are tougher than normal bb tips and better colour. All anemones can wander and cause problems to corals but once they settle down they usually stay put (unless stressed out, then they will wander again). Try not to let it settle underneath a rock or overhang because they will fade and eventually die. They don't like too much water movement either, especially if it is aimed at them. Lots of water moving around them is fine, just not trying to blow them off the rock.
keep the water clean and provide it with good light and it should live for ever.
red bb tips will sometimes divide in half and produce 2 anemones. One will usually stay put and the other will wander off to start a new home somewhere else.

Thanks for the comments guys!...yes i was reading up on anemones for like 5 hours last night and i seem to see the same information everywhere. i don't plan on getting one for a while though i just got a 40 gallon breeder tank set up and ive come across that they do better in a well matured tank so i probably wont get one anytime soon.

at the moment my pink skunk clowns think my pulsing Xenia is a anemone i'm not sure why but they do
my skunk lives in a torch coral (Euphillia sp). Clownfish will live in any coral with long wavy tentacles, be it an elegance, torch, xenia or even a heliofungia. ALthough they prefer elegance and torch corals over most others.
yeah my clown hosts my hammer coral. The hammer wasnt to keen on the idea to begin with but seems to have got used to it now.
my skunk lives in a torch coral (Euphillia sp). Clownfish will live in any coral with long wavy tentacles, be it an elegance, torch, xenia or even a heliofungia. ALthough they prefer elegance and torch corals over most others.

True, except the WILL live in part. They WILL not live in it, they MAY live in it, anemones have a higher chance, but still not 100%, the natural host anemone that clowns have in the wild for that species makes it even higher, but still, not 100%. Tank raised/bred clowns also have a lower % chance of hosting an anemone as compared to a wild caught one.
my skunk lives in a torch coral (Euphillia sp). Clownfish will live in any coral with long wavy tentacles, be it an elegance, torch, xenia or even a heliofungia. ALthough they prefer elegance and torch corals over most others.

True, except the WILL live in part. They WILL not live in it, they MAY live in it, anemones have a higher chance, but still not 100%, the natural host anemone that clowns have in the wild for that species makes it even higher, but still, not 100%. Tank raised/bred clowns also have a lower % chance of hosting an anemone as compared to a wild caught one.

I think what im going to do is let me tank go for a year then when its matured a bit i will go for the plunge with a anemone intill then ill wait to see how my friends does :)

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