I was just wondering if anyone knows, if the "Ocellaris Clownfish" hosts in any corals or inverts, besides anemones? I do not want to add an anemone to my nano tank, but I was looking for an alternative.
Great information, I am definetly not taking the anemone route. I've heard the many horror stories on these creatures and their habits. I do like the frogspawn, I'll have to do more studying on the Sacrophyton.
Bear in mind the stinging capabilities of corals such as Torch, Hammer, Anchor, Bubble and Frogspawn as they will limit the space available in the tank due to their sweeper tentacles zapping any other corals surrounding them. They also require very good water quality so wil not tolerate any little 'mishaps' whereas softies are usually a little more forgiving.
the Black & white clown in my 15G nano hosts some purple watermelon mushrooms....
If you buy a tank bred you can get them to host pretty much anything. If its wild caught then they usually get used hosting any similar coral with long flowing tentacles of large polyps to nestle in.
Thanks everyone for your input, I've decided on getting a pair of ocelleris clowns, what will they host? Well you'll have to see in the later months. B) .