Horseshoe Crab Vs Seahorse


Aug 26, 2006
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well, i'm very confused on what i want to do. i want to learn more about seahorses, finish my books about tropical reef aquariums and stuff.

so i thought while i'm learning that, i could get a 20-25 long for 3 baby horseshow crabs. if i like them and stuff, i'm still gonna read alot about there breeding, but i may try to breed them. although it may be a bit before they can breed and plus it may be a bit before i can get a big trough thing (cow/horse water tub) and have a bit of land on it for eggs and stuff.

so i'm thinking about waiting till summer to start breeding the seahorses. it will give me time to get the tank and let the reef establish and all.

what is everyone elses thoughts? is this a good move, waiting until summer to get seahorses? i also don't have to worry about heat packs and stuff when there shipped.

i won't need a chiller for the horseshoe crabs. i live in indiana so it doesn't get too hot here and the garage my fish are in is never very warm. it has a heater and all, but the water sitting in it is about the temp of a horseshoe crab home. so i'm gonna start reading about them also.

good move? i think it will be for the best to hold off and just get some horseshoe crabs for now. i found a good deal for 3 babies. i am gonna see if there related and if they can inbreed and stuff before i buy them.

i just want to know what everyone else thinks...
i'm thinking now of just sticking to seahorses. just spend all the money i can on making there environment better for them when i get them and stuff. plus, there isn't very many places i've found that teach you about breeding and caring for horseshoe crabs. i've given myself my own opinion on this already and only 2 people that arent me has even looked at this thread :angry:
id say ditch the horshoe crabs as not really much of a need for them if your interested in comercial sale of them. Also what do oyu want two half assed tanks or one fwakin awseome one? spend it on the SH tank and then down the line if you want a horshoe crab you can do that

As pointed out before, horseshoe crabs are coldwater, not temperate. I doubt in the middle of summer the hottest temperature you will have is 16 degrees C or under, so you will need cooling of some sort.

Stick with the sea donleys. Thinking of breeding horseshoes when 99% of owners can't even keep them is running before walking IMO.
I agree.

We have been over this before, haven't we?
don't get cocky... :grr:

and in that garage it wouldn't need a chiller. like i said before.

i already decided that if you even read my second post. about not getting the horseshoe crabs yet.

i'll probably get a hroseshoe crab later on once the SH tank is established and all. i will probably get a big tub for them.

i'm gonna go back to posting seahorse questions in my seahorse thread in the saltwater fish section. so if anyone knows anything about reef tanks and seahorses PLEASE help with questions. i've got more posts in there then everyone else put together. lots of unanswered questions. things i can't find online. so check that thread out :good:
I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just saying that we have all needed to forget about an animal sometimes. Like the Coris gaimard I wanted so, so badly... :sad:

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