Horse Kissing Fish


Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2010
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Glen Rose Texas
Well my uncle has a bunch of goldfish in his stock tank. They're mostly orange with a few white or black ones. I'm not acctually sure how they survive in there as no one feeds them. A while ago I was out with my horse, Chayan, and she went to get a drink after I fed her. A bunch of the fish swam up around her lips! I thought it was really cute and thought you guys might enjoy it to : )





The white ones seem to be this biggest boldest ones, there used to be a black one but I caught him for my other uncle to put in his pond.So anyone have any idea as to how they survive? And what do ya think of the pics?
a lot of people keep goldfish in their troughs to eat algae, insects, and larva, so I imagine that that is how those guys survive without anyone feeding them.
i had two goldfish fry about a inch big that i found when dismanteling my pond so they went in a 2ft rounf by 1 ft deep tub in the bottom of the garden to cut a long story short i forgot about them completly then about 6 months later i went down and a bush was really over grow i looked and there was a tub that looked like pea soup i felt really bad then one goldfish popped up i then saw the other i then decided to build a new pond built a nice new pond(after about 2 months) acclimatised them added them and within days they were dead :crazy: but they very healthy fish and quite fat when i got them out of the soup lol
Good pic
But it reminds me of some one I knew who had some goldfish in a horse trough, any way one day the horse went over for a drink and started coughing only to spit a goldfish back into the trough ( I wonder how many times that had happened before and no one saw). I keep my goldfish in a 1000L round trough and sadly frequently forget to feed them, but the goldies are all huge, destroy all plant life bar the water lilly and breed frequently so I guess they are happy in their pond even if it is rather green and mucky.

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