Horrible,horrible Things!


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
by sister (who is 26) has a male betta in a 1 gallon vase, i was against the whole betta in a vase thing but i told her about doing at least 50% water changes every other day, well oviously she didnt listen. Tonight i was being nice and decided to do the water change for her as she was off on a date, well to my surprise i did a ammonia test as well, THE AMMONIA LEVEL WAS 8.0! I cant bleive that the poor betta is alive, and im ratting out on my own sister. I have told her many times to change the water but she doesnt listen to me. Do you agree that i should ask for the right to have the betta and treat it properly? or should i leave it with her. :grr: :( :/ :angry: :<
Wow he is so sad looking, I have never kept bettas but do they have a triangluar looking gash under there mouth and i tihnk this poor betta may have a diesese, becuase his stomach is white and bumpy. he seems liek the color is faded out of him. I gav him a few bloodworms that i feed my tetras with so hopefully he will be on a road to recovery :sad: :-(
right now i look like your picture, i couldnt beleive the test results were liek that i feel horrible becuase i knew he was there but i figured she was taking take of the fish. she has a very lovly 10 gallon and worked real hard, i guess she figures bettas need nothing besides food!!!!!

EDIT: nvm you jsut stiwched your picture lol but it was the fish one with the big teeth and its mouth open
i dont think anyone does, i dont think that my sister does either, but she needs to do reasearch, it cant jsut live on its own in the same water, ill post a picture even tohu my camera is horrible.

EDIT: he looks terrible, i did about a 90% water cahnge and he is probally stressed but urgh im so mad!
ok i have some pics

Poor betta, sorry that you cannot see his face or anything else, but i have a lousey camera

His sad little home(i want to give him a nicer place but i have no money :no: )
The vase looks alittle more than half a gollon, so he should be alright for a little while.

TAKE THE BETTA!! Evil sister!!! GRRRRR
You shouldn't say that, just because someone doesn't agree and think they are right, doesn't mean they're evil.
Evil is like camparing them to hitler.
You compaired his 26 year old sister to hitler.
And she's not evil for thinking she's doing it right. :no:
Why are you only doing a 90% water change? And why did you advise her to do only a 50% water change? You should be doing 100% water changes weekly or bi-weekly.

I hope the little guy pulls through and that you can take care of him, or teach her how to take care of him properly.
TERRIBLE NEWS! :grr: I tell my sister everything aobut the ammonia and how he may have an infection and she screams at me to not be touching her stuff and that it had been living for 2 years and so i suggest at least putting in some melafix and she says no you are not to touch any of my stuff! and i said fine fine jsut wil lyou do a water change every other day and she says no! he is happy as he is and has been living finely!URGH IM SO MAD! i no its wrong,. so i dotn care waht she says when ever she is gone im doing water changes and buying melafix to put in. it will be worth it to save the poor betta even if i do get caught!
yeah, just do it. she probably won't notice. poor little guy. what's up with your sister? why doesn't she know better? how old are you, by the way?
im not sure why she doesnt no better, she has a lovly 10 gallon a while back while she was in collage, im 14 by the way, but i no a good amount of stuff abotu fish fro mthis site mostly! :D

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