Fish Addict
Okay, I just got back from a two day trip with my reletives. I fed, cleaned, and tested my tanks before I left. When I entered my room when I got back yesterday, I dropped everything in my hands and my jaw dropped like two feet. My 30 gallon was totally covered in a brown cloud and fish were floating dead everywhere. I had two survivors. My beloved ropefish, Rufus II and my Salvani Chichlid, who this morning is beleived to have jumped out of his temporary 10 gallon home, then eaten by a cat. What the hell happened!? I later called my grandmother to ask if she saw anything while she fish-sat. She said no and everything was fine with the tanks. I heard about a power surge. My theory is that one of my fish died and then the power surge hit and knocked out the filter, causing mass destruction. Well, the whole tank smelled like sewage, so that baffled me. But now all, exept Rufus II, are dead.