Horrible Conditions


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
I was visiting a fish shop in Sheffield, and was horrified to see one white male betta and one purple/red male betta in tanks with other fish. The white was in with mollies and the purple/red one was in with gouramis! In the shop it was chasing the gouramis and all its fins were ragged. Same story with the white one.
:-( :-( :-(

I am considering rescuing the white one, just wondering whether it would survive as its fins were very ragged.

could someone tell me if I should, thanks
If the only problem is with his fins he'll probably be able to make it with a little care. Be sure to tell the shop that they can't house bettas with those fish. If you explain the problem and tell them why you want the fish, they might even give him to you for free since he's injured.
i found a betta in with gouramis at my local petco, which was highly unusual because they normally are very good about where they put their fish. poor guy had all his fins ripped off, but was still brightly colored and flaring away. i told an employee, who was absolutely mortified and kept apologizing. i eventually bought the fish, since he was clearly quite a hardy little guy. he started eating right away and is already starting to grow his fins back :)
I was a coward yesterday. At my local Pets@ they had housed the bettas with the danios. Two tanks each with a male betta and about 20 mixed danios. Wonderful, isn't it?
In one of the tanks there was a big castle where he was able to escape, but the other one was just going backwards and forwards. His fins were still intact but he was stressed out.
I couldn't buy him, not without buying another tank from them, which would rather defeat the purpose (hey. let's illtreat out animals some more so we can make big tank sales). But I could have created a big stink, and somehow....I didn't.... I feel awful. I'd go back today except my daughter is ill again.

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