Hornwort full of stuff


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2021
Reaction score
Czech republic
Hi guys, I understand this is a problem of overfeeding, but I do not know how to handle it
I have a tank full of hornwort and egeria that is filthy.
My water flow is downward facing to not disturb surface. The plants grow like the weeds they are, but every week, I have to manually tap the plants with the hose or hand, because they are just covered in material. I do this every week and I fear it is because I overfeed, but I am also cautious about having fish go hungry.

is a 360l, with eheim 2217 that is throttled to 1/3, as the fish are small neither appreciates a heavy waterflow.
I have
15x Corydoras sterbai
13x Carnegiella strigata hatchetfish
34x ember tetras (6 still in quarantine)
3x bamboo shrimp
5x rabbit tylomelania snails

I feed every other day, or one day morning the other day evening. At least two days a week I dont feed at all to try to reduce this.
I only use powder food types, not flakes. It is either sera vipan baby or dried artemia or hikari pellets. Every 4 days I will pop 2-3 small algae or other wafers and every 3 days I give snails small piece of vegetable that they eat within 24 hours (or is removed). If I feed frozen, which I do weekly, I unfreeze 1/5 of the cube that are sold here and feed it to all three tanks I have.
I change 1/4 of water every 7 days and have a massive sponge on the filter intake for mechanical filtration outside the eheim.

Nothing is visible in the water stream, everything sits on the plants, there is not a layer of detritus on the sand, but if corries do a too quick move, sometimes they lift stuff from the wood.
Despite being covered the plants are prospering. I have hard time feeding as the hatchetfish dont seem to eat as they dont open their mouths, but it has been 3 months and they are not dead so I assume they are eating. The tetras would eat the lettuce if they could and the corries have to wrestle the wafers away from the snails. If I notice shrimps running around on the surface ( if not toward a wafer, which they like to sit on too), I will feed a tiny amount as that is a sign they are hungry. I have not had to do that in two weeks or so.
I am constantly battling fear of underfeeding vs overfeeding. Corries do not have sunken bellies, I check those that I can see. I will try to add a picture of the plants, since it is 6 days past cleaning.
Any advice?
pictures of the stuff on the plants?

maybe thin the plants out so there is a clearing for feeding.
Back of the tank

Front of the tank

detail of the plants, different locations
I did "dust off" the plants, tried to vacuum it all out. I also took out most of the egeria densa, moved the hornworth to one side of the tank and moved stuff around. Will try to feed even less this week, nothing to the tylomelania, since there are 4 leaves in there and some of the hornwort that got damaged today that they are eating. Will let you know

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