Hoplo Question


Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
Central NJ
ok...i know this sounds wierd but it looks like my hoplos are getting pimples. Both hoplos have a pimple looking thing on their underbelly. it wasn't there the day before yesterday. it's bigger on the bigger hoplo but it's on both of them. it's also in the same place on both of them. it's big and an angry red color. i'm a little worried and was hoping someone can enlighten me as to what it could be. they're both acting normally as far as i can tell. i don't have a picture yet but i'll post one tonight, i know that might help. also the water params are all good, i would even say ideal.

thanks in advance for any tips
Not that im aware, but i did have a plec die from a "red spot" on its belly, i think it was down to dirt in the substrate and an infection. But i cant be sure.
for the most part, the "pimple" is gone. now it looks like a small deflated pink balloon. and it's getting smaller. they never stopped acting normal and eating and still seems healthy

darkentity, you were probably right and it was just an irritation...thanks

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