Hoplo catfish


Fish Gatherer
Jun 1, 2004
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We bought one of these saturday its about 6 to 7 inches ,bit worried about it,we hardly see it for one, but when we do it seems be struggling to the surface takes a gulp then back down .Never had one so big so is this normal,not saw it eating either :unsure:
Hoplos are social fish that need to be kept in groups to feel comfortable, they are essentially just big corys. It is quite normal for them to go to the surface and take the odd gulp of air, most members of the Callichthyidae group of catfishes do this.

More info can be found here http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=41576
Thanx cfc just read it ,perhaps its just settling in :thumbs:
Lovely cat though maybe I'll get it a mate :thumbs:
Just found the hopla dead :no: 2 days we,ve had it so i phoned the shop and complained, they think it could be stress ,it had been in the shop ages,in a small tank (with other big hoplos ,2 huge clowns,and a few huge plecs),they are going to refund,not buying anything else out of that tank. :no:
Parents :grr: :grr:
After that one dying he's come in with another, I have no idea what it is been trying to find a picture on line,

its a light brown colour about 4 inches with a big black spot on it,he said he was told its a black spot catfish,I can't find anything about it. -_-
What if it eats all the other fish :-(
paul_v_biker said:
any chance of a picture cat?

sounds like a eatallyourfish catfish to me :p

sorry about your loss :(
I hope your joking :unsure:

Try get a picture tomorrow see if you can tell me what it is. :thumbs:
Could it be this one


Horabagrus brachysoma, grows to 18 inches and will eat fish less than 1/3 its own size.

Or could it be this one


Mystus bimaculatus, grows to around 5 inches and will eat small fish such as tetras, guppies and rasboros.

or could it be this one


Mystus micracanthus, grows to around 8 inches and will eat smaller fish up to 13 its own size.
:( It looks like the first one CFC :grr: :grr: parents

Try get a photo of it to confirm it but at the moment its playing hide and seek with me. :no:

Its in with
2 blue acaras

large severum
1 ram
The acaras and severum should be fine, the ram is lunch.

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