Hoplo Catfish


Fish Addict
Feb 9, 2009
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Hi All,

How boisterous are Hoplo Catfish?

Reason I am asking is as follows:
I feed my fish Tetra Prima sinking granules. My Black Ghost Knife Fish waits for the granules to sink to near his hiding place and he comes out and eats it from the floor of the tank.
I would like to get a pair of Hoplos, but am concerned they would polish off all the food before the BGKF would get a chance.

Would some a few Corry's be more appropriate?

Any thoughts?

Hoplos aren't too boisterous at all and they wouldn't gobble up the food before the knife fish. They would probably polish off the excess.
But it's entirely up to you what bottom feeders your wanting in your tank.
Aslong as you spread the food around i dont think they will cause and problems. There best kept in groups though so i would get atleast 4.
Tell you something where i live i haven't seen any hoplos in a long time. I absolutely adore them. I would like to breed them.
My local breeds them, i have one whos a real old boy now, hes been with me forever and a day,love him to bits, as stated,he will wait until everyones had a belly full, then out he pops with his dyson hoovering up all the left overs, :good:
Excellent fish which i highly reccomend, but you wont really see them until evening time, although they will make guest appearances throughout the day :lol:
Hi All,

Man at my LFS told me Hoplos are quite active during the day. Are they not?
Not really that keen on a catfish I never see. I had a Spotted Raphael, and never saw it. Not even at night - it just hid under its log.

Any suggestions of a good cat then with the following parameters:

Tank size: 4ft; 240L
Ph: 7.8
GH: 15
KH: 13

Must be day active
Not too agressive
Max size: 10cm approx.

Hi All,

Man at my LFS told me Hoplos are quite active during the day. Are they not?
Not really that keen on a catfish I never see. I had a Spotted Raphael, and never saw it. Not even at night - it just hid under its log.

Any suggestions of a good cat then with the following parameters:

Tank size: 4ft; 240L
Ph: 7.8
GH: 15
KH: 13

Must be day active
Not too agressive
Max size: 10cm approx.


What about a group of flagtail catfish. Alot like Hoplos but smaller and should be more active.
Hi there,

I've kept a pair of hoplos (would love more but never found them again) for years.

They are great friendly fish, but they are very, very inquisitive, and are absolute food hoovers!!

For a while until they got use to each other, they bugged the hell out of my banjo catfish (unintentionally) who eventually got so stressed at not being left alone that she shed her mucus layer....

After that though, things calmed down.

I would think that, if you have a shy retiring fish (like the ghost knife) it may not appreciated the hoplos inquisitive nature.

On saying that though, they are such entertaining fish, I would still be tampted to try! :D

Thanks, I will investigate these.

That's what I have heard. They can be a bit boisterous at feeding times. Will have to give it some thought. Don't want to rush into getting them and then upset the balance of my tank.
In terms of feeding they will be fine. They tend to polish off leftovers more than compete with other fish for food. As for the fish itself - great fish, very very active and playful, especially in small groups. I have a single one who loves to play in the sand and always swimming about. Highly recommended.
I have 5 juvis at the moment but have kept larger hoplos over the years

great fish never a problem and generally active. I would have no fears about keeping them with BGK's.

I;m hoping I get a pair out of mine hence why I got 5

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