Hoping To Breed


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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I've got a 10 gallon tank already with a divider and a male and female betta on either side of it. Hoping to get a sponge filter made really quickly, so that should be covered, and hopfully my condensation tray question gets answered, so I should also be able to keep the temperature of the air above the tank constant, thereby keeping my fry from dying when it comes time for the labyrinth organs to develop.

I've done reading on bettas, but that was a year ago, and I never actually attempted to breed them. Therefore, I'm going to be rereading up on them, with supplemental information taken from here. Here's a list of stuff in the tank, any suggestions on supplies?

10 gallon tank
Male, red crowntail
Female, green (maybe crowntail?)
1/2 styrofoam cup

Will get:
condensation tray
sponge filter

I take it I need a heater... what wattage would be best?

Food: can someone tell me what foods to feed at what week? I know I need microworms/ infusoria and baby brine shrimp (I take it frozen will do). A website on microworms and starting/ continuing the culture indefinitely (i.e. without having to keep paying for cultures), please?

Lots of stuff posted haphazardly... sorry. Anyways, hopefully it all gets answered. ^_^
you need more tanks.
a larger fry grow out (about 20 gallonish)
and a couple of dozen (and space for more) 1-2 gallon male growout tanks for when they get aggressive.
and space to remove and condition the parents after breeding (and away from the fry) as they're likely to have some injuries.
I have two ten gallon tanks. 1 has livebearer fry, which will be moved over to the main tank in the few weeks that I condition the parents. I plan on moving the femae into the main tank (I doubt that she'll be bothered in there. If not, I could move her into the other ten, move the divider, and put the male in there after the three days he needs for egg hatching. After a few weeks, male goes to a 1 gallon bowl, female to community, ahlf the fry to the other ten.

The only main concern is the separation of the babies. I could probably get a few one gallon jars of mayo or pickles or whatever and rinse them out well. The reach issue becomes the psycho stepmom forbidding the large clutch of jars in my room (not that they are there, yet, of course).

I take it that the concerns you presented have been taken care of? :p (Thanks, though. The extra 10 gallons would probably have been needed, though this being the first expected spawn, I'm not sure how well the father will do).

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