It's only forever; not long at all...
Right. Well, firsts first. I need a tank. I'm after a 1ft cube for preference, if not, we'll see. Currently in the planning stages as I still don;t have much of a clue, most of my knowledge is aquired as I go along...
Planned Stats and Equipment
Tank- 7g Cube
Heater- 50w 'Whatever I have lying around' brand
Lighting- Undecided, need to decide which, if any, corals etc. I want, and also at lgihting provided
Substrate- Most likely aragonite sand, 1cm ish layer
Filtration- ~3.5kg LR, Aquaclear with phosphate removing media, possibly made into a small fuge
Circulation- 150gph powerhead
SG- Around 1.025, monitered with refractometer
Could do with some cleanup crew help. Based on modifying the 10g guidelines from another site, I was thinking
3 Astraea Snails
3 Blue-Leg Hermit
2 Margarita Snails
2 Nassarius Snails
Sound OK? I much prefer hermits to snails though... And shrimp, I like shrimp. So moving on slightly, would the tank be able to support said cleanup crew, either a cleaner shrimp and mini goby (need to see whats available) or a shrimp/goby pair?
Planned Stats and Equipment
Tank- 7g Cube
Heater- 50w 'Whatever I have lying around' brand
Lighting- Undecided, need to decide which, if any, corals etc. I want, and also at lgihting provided
Substrate- Most likely aragonite sand, 1cm ish layer
Filtration- ~3.5kg LR, Aquaclear with phosphate removing media, possibly made into a small fuge
Circulation- 150gph powerhead
SG- Around 1.025, monitered with refractometer
Could do with some cleanup crew help. Based on modifying the 10g guidelines from another site, I was thinking
3 Astraea Snails
3 Blue-Leg Hermit
2 Margarita Snails
2 Nassarius Snails
Sound OK? I much prefer hermits to snails though... And shrimp, I like shrimp. So moving on slightly, would the tank be able to support said cleanup crew, either a cleaner shrimp and mini goby (need to see whats available) or a shrimp/goby pair?