Hooked already !!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 18, 2003
Reaction score
Stoke on Trent, UK
Despite keeping trop FW for years, I love the fact that I feel like a complete newbie and am eagerly soaking up info on SW.

Thanks to steelhealr and bunjiweb for your posts - I'm loving your diaries so much that I'm now hooked on sw and investing!

I set up my first SW nano last week and already I'm breaking down my 140 for a reef tank.

Anyway, back on topic.....I bought 5 kilos of live rock a few days ago and have been watching new life appear for the last few days.

5 of these have appeared over the last 24 hours, please can someone id ?



what you got there is a rock anenome. not good. bad hitchhiker.

it could take over your tank.

there are solution. you could buy some pepperminut shrimp to eat them.

you could spray it with hot water/hot lemon juice(be careful....ph might dip)/hot kalk

good luck, im sure if you try search you can find plenty of info on it.

here is a link with some more info...

I was thinking more like aiptasia. Doesn't look like a friendly anemone and you may want to take care of it soon.

Thanks for the comments and welcome aboard DXG. Keep us posted here and we'll keep you up and running. It's nice to see the SW section of TFF fluff up a bit. Keep up the good work...we'll follow your progress. SH
Thanks for the info guys.

I've removed all, glad I asked the question early.

Am due to start purchasing everything for the 140 this week so expect a few more questions from me !

so to start...

For skimming, everyone appears to rate the Deltec MCE600, would you agree ?

I've used Tropic Marin salt for the Nano and was thinking of using the same. Good or bad and enything better ? (or cheaper of course :D)

Thanks again

Dave...from what I"ve read here..that Deltec protein skimmer is supposed to be a very good skimmer. It is the one used most commonly 'over there'. I think you'll be fine with it.

As for salt mixes, I think if you've done fine with Tropic Marin, which is a 'hot' salt right now, I'd stick with it. If costs are an issue, Reef Crystals or Oceanic should be OK. I use Oceanic..it may be a bit low in alkalinity but if you are going to go with SPS coral, it is high in calcium. Reef crystals 'reportedly' has better magnesium/buffer, but, I haven't tested it personally. Some swear by Instant Ocean (IO) where others claim it is pure junk. I think you'd fare well with either Tropic Marin, Reef Crystals or Oceanic. JMO. SH
Cheers SH

Stripped down and cleaned the tank today, what a nightmare. 4 hours of back breaking effort. Downside I guess of having a slightly taller tank.

Anyway, picked up today...

20 kg if Tropic Marin salt
25 kg TMC sand
3 Power Sweep 228 Power heads
30 Kilos of dead rock

So currently running
2 Rena XP3's with Aqua Medic Antiphos and Carbon
3 Power Sweep 228's
2 X 200 Watt heaters
Unfortunately only 5X48" 36 watt T8 lights (for now)

Picking up 20 kg of cured rock tomorrow morning and still not decided of skimmer as a few people today have told me to look at the turbo floater.

Here is the result of a long day's enjoyable work.

Went to a different LFS this morning to pick up more live rock (UK franchise called "Ripples")

Anyway, they didn't have any scales and guessed the weight of my selection. They guessed 12 kilo's (£9.95 per kilo). As I reckoned there was about 16 kilo's I snapped it up.

Got it home and weighed it in at 20 kilos :whistle: £120 for 20 kilos of cured live rock !!!!

Here is the latest picture.

Excellant - we all like a freebie

Lucky you

Looking good so far


looks great! I'm glad I have inspired you, very touching! Be sure to keep us up to date with picutres and maybe you can influence someone yourself!

Will be posting a picture update in my thread shortly, some nice new corals etc..

Hi, Im jealous of your new big tank!! Your off to a good start. However, I do have a suggestion based on what Ive been reading (there I go using that sentence again, guess ive been doing too much fishy reading, lol)...anyways, you might want to consider stacking your rock away from the edges. That way you leave room for fish to swim, crabs and snails to clean, water to flow, and the biological filtration should be much more effective that way. (souce - I believe Calfos reef inverts and patellas new marine aquarium great books if you find them).
Picked up 10 turbo snails, 6 hemits and 2 tank bred clowns yesterday.

All are doing great apart from the turbo snails who haven't moved at all. I can see that they are still alive, but worried that they aren't moving. Should I leave them in or remove them ?

>I acclimatised all fpr approx 1 hour, adding water slowly to each bag
>Levels are zero apart from Nitrate which is 5 PPM
>No copper has been used in the tank

If the snails are 'stuck' on the glass or rock, they are alive and I wouldn't be too concerned for now. SH

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