Hood for 5 gallon rectangular tank?


Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Erie, Pennsylvania
When I was at Petsmart (I think thats where I was), I was looking at the fish tanks (not kits -- just plain empty rectangular tanks) and saw they had one smaller than 10 gallons -- I'm thinking it was 5 gallons.

I was thinking that would be a great size for a betta, and I prefer the rectangular shape (it seems more roomy - but maybe it's just me) -- however, I haven't been able to find any hoods for that size tank, and I know you're supposed to keep a betta in a tank that has a lid on it.

Does anyone know anywhere online or anything to buy a hood for a small tank like that? Or don't they make them?
Is it a 5 gallon or a 5.5 gallon? I know both Perfecto and All-Glass make glass covers and other hoods for 5.5 gallon tanks. They use a 16" canopy/cover. Try to measure your tank and see if a 16" canopy would fit. I know PetSmart caries 16" All-Glass incandescent hoods.

I went back up to Petsmart and looked -- they had a 2.5 gallon rectangular tank, which looked like a really nice size and it came with a "lid" (solid piece of glass). The only 5.5 gallon tanks I could find were in the reptile section, and they came with a screen-lid.

Now I'm debating, which should I get? The 2.5 would be a really nice size, I think (and I like it a LOT better than the hexagon-shaped tanks) but it doesn't seem like a solid glass lid makes sense as far as air cirulation and stuff?? (It's like the glass lid on this page from what I could tell.)

Appleblossom -- that's a good idea. If all else fails, maybe I'll ask my dad to help me build something. ;)
Doesnt look like there are any air holes :no:

Bettas need slits in the cover because of air circulation as you mentioned.

If you like the 5? gallon why don't you get that and have some glass cut for the top? It doesn't cost that much and would probably look a lot better then the 2.5 gallons they sell at petsmart. I tried making a plexiglass cover for one of my tanks but plexiglass just warps and becomes ugly and useless.
mandi, the VersaTop lids you show, at least one of them, on the bottom, looks to be "folded" in half. I have one of these for my 20 gallon high tank and it's great. These are essentially two strips of glass connected together with a plastic/rubber "hinge" (sounds shoddy, but really well made). The back portion holds a light, and the front portion flips up for access to the tank. Also along the back is a plastic strip that can be cut for filters and heaters etc, or it can be removed altogether. I have mine with cutouts for my filter and heater, and left the remainder of the strip intact. My fish have no problems (though I do also have a bubble wall, though this is purely for show - I like the way it looks) with oxygen. As for the 5.5 gallon "reptile tanks" they are, for most all intents and purposes, the same as aquarium tanks. If you buy one, make sure to fill it and let the water sit for a couple days to make sure the seals are watertight. You could use the screen top for your fish, or buy a hood to fit it.


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