honey gouramis


where is my mind?
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
leeds, uk
Hello :) I'm hoping to get some honey gouramis soon (I've been dithering over which fish to get for ages!) and i have a few questions.

Firstly, what is a good number to get? 1, 2, 3, or a group?

Secondly I'd like to know how to sex them as I'd like more than one but figure Id need, say, one male and two females.

I'd also be interested if anyone has any opinions on what level of the tank they inhabit most - basically i need a mid-top level fish because all my tetras have decided they're bottom-dwellers and it's getting crowded down there! ;)

Thanks for any ideas.
There is a pinned topic on how to sex them, but I found it difficult to tell! I think I have one male and two females in my tank and they are doing fine together, from what I've read this type is very peaceful.

Sorry to say but mine are mid-bottom dwellers! They like eating algae and the sinking pellets I feed my cories, they come to the surface for flakes and air but apart from that they are mainly around the bottom.

You don't say which Tetras you have but I would look into why they are staying at the bottom if they shouldn't! Mine (Neons) only go to the botom when they get spooked when the light goes off, then after a few mins they see every is safe and come mid-top again.
Hiya, thanks for your help - didnt notice there was a pinned topic :*)

My tetras (black phantoms) do explore all levels of the tank and weirdly, each particular fish has its own favourite spot, but overall they prefer to be at the bottom. I know exactly why this is - they like to follow the cories so they can catch any stray food that the cories dig up! It's so cheeky! Here is a pic of one of them at it:


*sigh* I'm having no luck in my search for top level fishies :/
My dwarf-flame gourami also is mid-bottom. He rarely ventures to the top of the tank, unless it's dinner time. :drool:

I would only do 1 in your 15g. Females are nearly impossible to find (in the States at least).

If you are looking for a top-dweller, I would suggest about 5 hatchetfish. They are very peaceful and always stay at the top of the tank.

The 2 most common are silver and marbled. The silver get about 2.5" and the marbled reach 1.5".

Just make sure your lid is sealed completely, they are among the best jumpers in the business. I had a silver that has jumped out twice while I was cleaning. The second time my dog was quicker than I was. -_-
Great pic!

My Neons do the same with my Cories, but its more by accident, they don't stalk them and wait...
All my gourami stay towards the top of the tank, the only time i ever saw them towards the bottom of the tank was when the old filters current was too strong for them.


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