Honey Gourami's Never-ending Poo!


Fish Crazy
Oct 21, 2007
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i have 3 honey gourami's and they are the only fish in my tank i ever see poo - and boy do they poo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are constantly swimming round with long trails of poo, i actually measured one the other day(yeah, i know, i should get out more) and it measured a whopping 8 inches!!!!!!!!! bit annoying really after a good water change and vac to then see loads of this floating around again. anyone else have this problem??
Yep - my male dwarf is a champion pooer too - probably because he is a little pig! :lol:
My Honey Gourami poos like crazy. I've trained it well!
Sure looks like they all do poo a lot.
One of my three always has something long hanging off it haha.

Then saying that, when ever i do a vaccuum, never as much seems to show as i would expect!

I would also like to take this opportunity to express how much i love this fish though!

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