Homer Loves The Baby Guppies!


Fish Gatherer
Apr 29, 2005
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South Carolina... Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.
This may sound mean, but I have a pair of guppies that I've had for about 3 months, and recently I've been feeding the babies to my other fish (dwarf rainbows, hatchetfish, kribs). Well, I thought to drop a few in to Homer (my dwarf puffer) tonight, and it was so freaking awesome watching him hunt them down and catch them! I had always figured they'd be too quick, but he ate about 6 of them in under 3 minutes! His little belly was so full and round... :wub:
I just love that little guy!!
Well yes, it does sound a little mean. But if you are going to use feeders, then breeding your own is the way to do it. It's even better if you "gut load" the feeders with vitamin-enriched flake food or algae flake. A lot of carnivores rely on their prey having eaten plants beforehand so that the predator can get vitamins common in plants but rare in meat (like Vitamin C).

Just bear in mind that these puffers aren't really piscivores. The odd treat is fine, but really they need shrimps and snails.


Dwarf puffers are best not fed on live fish, they're not piscovores. Grab some snails if you'd like to see them eat something live, or small shrimp.
Dwarf puffers are best not fed on live fish, they're not piscovores

Out of interest, is there any particular reason, other than they dont need it?
His normal feeding consists of frozen blood worms and/or frozen brine shrimp every other day, along with a few snails each week. I just thought he'd like a little treat, and he certainly did! I'll make sure not to give him much though, since they're not too good for him.

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