home sweet home.....


Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wiltshire, UK
ok. I have recently glued some gravel onto the outside of a 2" piece of pipe using aquarium sealant and placed in my tank. There are a few plants arranged around it to make it look a bit better.

Q1: should I block the end of the tube up so as there is only one way in and out?? I think I read somewhere that this would make the fish feel more secure as they wont have to 'watch their backs'.

Q2: How do I get my fish to use it??? I need them to as they are fighting and causing damage to each other due to lack of hiding spaces.

Many thanks,

Cava :fish:
i dont know about the "watching behind their backs thing but they will get used to it on their own just let them get used to it on their own. give them some time :D
i would add a ship or somethin that that they can hide in... and i would but 2 thata would decrease the chance of them getting territorial about who gets the hiding place
OMIGOSH!!! :hyper: :hyper: I'm doing the same exact thing for my cories!!! I thought of the idea months ago and im glad someone finnaly did it! (My dad wont get out there to cut me some pipe :X )

To get my cories to use it I'm going to put it in the spot where they hide the most (under the heater) and hope they scoot on into it. I'm also leaving both my sides open so that they can shoot in and shoot back out!

Hopefully this will protect them from my bully gourami :/ . Dunno how much this help but I was just so excited to see someone with the same idea as me ;) .

Glad to see a good idea! Hope its working for you!! ^_^

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