Home Made Fish Food


Fish Herder
Dec 1, 2005
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Ok, im fairly new to this "feed your fish x" thing - store bought food has always been the way for me.

I heard about giving fish frozen peas.

So i took a pea and chucked it in. thing got ignored, i fished it out a day later. i then found out i had to blanch it in decholorinated water, micro then for a min then squish them and feed them - success.

i also chucked in a cucumber once. should have chopped it eh? :nod: :lol:

and a stick of celery.

and a segment of orange (got this right, removed one side of the skin off the segment to give access to it, they loved it)

so how about sticking something you feed your fish often from your freezer/shelves/fridge and a method that works for you in preparing it.

anyone do lettuce?
i feed plain oatmeal to my fish once in a while. my fish seem to like it better than frozen bloodworms :/ just make sure the oatmeal doesnt have too much water in it. its better to have thicker oatmeal than to have watery oatmeal because the watery oatmeal clouds water like crazy
nice one.

so lit it sit to swell a little, but not become water logged?

still looking for any lettuce feeders...
I used to add lettuce to catch snails on, but the plec used to eat it :sly: now I add some from time to time for my Apple snail and the endlers tuck in to it too.

I have fed mine, spinich (fresh and bought in frozen), cucumber, courgette (zuccini) and peas (just nuke en in a bit of water for a min, then shell and squash them). I have been told to try potatoe and carrot, but as I have no plec (other than the ottos and they have algae to be sorting out) at the moment I haven't bothered. But mainly I feed either bought or live foods, that I grow myself ie microworm for the endlers and grindalworms for the rest.

I would suggest blanching any veg you add in as it will soften it up for your fish.

I feed for my BN's:

Lettuce - Just stick a whole leaf in.

Cucumber - Chop a peice about 1 - 2" and peel the skin off

Peas - I don't squish them up. Nor do I microwave them. :p Just take them out of the freezer, dip them into the tank to defrost them, and then peel off the skin and stick it back in the tank.
Rather than preparing fish vegetables in advance, I just take a small helping of what I've cooked for our family meal: peas, broad beans, spinach, chard, broccoli, sprouts. But then I do boil vegetables lightly anyway, and without fat or seasoning. And if I have an apple or a pear myself, I might do it at fish feeding time and scrape off a sliver for them (never dared try orange because of the high acidic content). I did the same when I was feeding babies: just fed them a bit of whatever was suitable that we were having anyway, rather than having to make up separate baby meals.
One of the guys at our local LFS told me to try a little chunk of orange in with the cories,
they went nuts over it!
dried ambulia and freeze dried microworms has replaced flakes and as a treat i feed them this.

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