Home Made Co2


Fish Fanatic
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Redcar UK

made a home made co2 device using yeast sugar etc, i followed the guides on here and searched the net also.

I do not have a diffuser but am using a small air stone, i cannot find anywhere that say this isnt a good idea, nor have i found any information on where the bubbles should be located. It seems to be all that happens is the co2 bubbles through the air stone and straight to the surface, i dont see how the plants can gain any thing from this?

Am i wrong.,pelase advise


made a home made co2 device using yeast sugar etc, i followed the guides on here and searched the net also.

I do not have a diffuser but am using a small air stone, i cannot find anywhere that say this isnt a good idea, nor have i found any information on where the bubbles should be located. It seems to be all that happens is the co2 bubbles through the air stone and straight to the surface, i dont see how the plants can gain any thing from this?

Am i wrong.,pelase advise


CO2 is easily absorbed by the water. BUt the basic rule is. The smaller the bubble the better. Or the longer the bubble is in the water.
I have a very fine airstone rubber tube thing on the end of mine. And put it down in side my pump outlet. The flow of the water brakes the bubbles up a little.

Been using it about a month now, and starting to see a diffranc

If your diffuser is giving you bubbles that never make it to the surface, your system is just fine. If, on the other hand, bubbles do make it to the surface, smaller bubbles or a longer path to the surface may give you better use of your gas.

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