Home Improvements For 5g Tanks


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
Well, I made two big changes in my 5 gallon tank, that I kinda like and thought I'd share.

I made two coconut shell caves, added a second silk plant, and put in sand.





He gave me a bit of a scare when I put him in after I laid down the sand. For a moment, he went, " :drool: OMG THE FLOOR IS COVERED IN FOOD!" Swam down, and gulped down a single gain. I immdiately thought my fish was going to die of impaction or something, when he spat it out, quite disgruntled.

I'm using Sandblasting Sand, grade 16. So it's very large grain sand. Just a couple cups to cover up the bottom, not even an inch. It's basically the same thing as pool filter sand. It was pretty easy to clean. No dust, just flakes of quartz to wash out. When you swish it around, the water doesn't cloud, it just looks like there's glitter in it. Takes a while, but it does come out. Cleaning enough for my 10 gallon will be a pain in the ... .. neck.

I did come to realize that my newest water treatment selection, sucked. API Stress Coat made the water go all... gooey. I think it's pretty begnin, it's just ugly to look at. A few water changes with less treatment and aged water will probably clear it up.
He gave me a bit of a scare when I put him in after I laid down the sand. For a moment, he went, " :drool: OMG THE FLOOR IS COVERED IN FOOD!" Swam down, and gulped down a single gain. I immdiately thought my fish was going to die of impaction or something, when he spat it out, quite disgruntled.

:lol: Silly fish. I've had one do that before, he didn't spit it out though, I have no idea where it went but I swear it didn't come back out. He didn't get sick, die or anything, it was quite wierd.

The changes look great though.
Well, his little 'scare' worked. I fed him shortly after. :lol:

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