Holy flying fish Batman!


New Member
Jul 26, 2004
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Durham, NC
Hi everyone...

I woke this morning to see my two platies sqimming happily...but my new pineapple swordtail was no where to be found. I looked around and found him...sadly, caked with dust bunnies and FIVE FEET FROM TANK! :-(

I guess swordtails jump out of tanks???...but my tank is totally closed, except for a small space in the back for the heater, filter etc. What can I use to cover this? I've thrown away the little plastic cover piece...can I use something else?

thanks in advance for your help.

sorry about the suicide.

we had a kulhi loach do it to us a few weeks ago - thankfully we saw him do it (well my girlfriend did) and he's safe and sound.

we have jammed 2 plastic bags in the holes.
discusting little rabbit like creatures which feed on dust and cat hairs.
smithrc said:
p.s. what are dust bunnies?? :huh:
Hmmm... this must be a US term. Dust bunnies are clumps of dust/hair/whatever that accumulates under beds or other areas that don't get much attention.

I'm sure you have them in the UK.... maybe you just refer to them as something else?!? :fun:
I'm soo sorry to hear about your fish :(

my friend cut used cut outs from a milk carton to cover the spaces in her tank.

Its not pretty but its worked fine for her- now she no longer finds her betta on the floor in the middle of the night.

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