Holy bird! What an Anniversary Present


Jul 14, 2005
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Well today my fiance called and said, "I have a surprise for you!" And there I am hoping and wishing that it's one of those huge tanks I wanted. Or even a new fish bowl, (Even though she just bought me one two days ago) And then I hear, well it has a cage. So eventually she told me that it was her friend's cockatiels. She wanted to get rid of them. So my fiance knowing that I always wanted birds, and that I loved all of my rescues told her to bring them over. They are just darling. Don't worry pictures will be up soon, later tonight. :D
The cage.

The darker one.



This is the lighter one, the only good picture I got of her/him.
I like other peoples cockatiels. :) Too noisy for me to keep in the house.

Lok forward to the pics.
Though I'm not a huge bird fan - horrible childhood memories - what a sweet gift! Happy anniversary as well! :cool:

Upon further thinking... it would've sounded nice in the Xmas song, "On the second day of xmas my true love sent to me, two cockatiel birds..."

Or maybe not.. :lol:
How cute! I just wanted to point out one thing, the perches are not the right width for cockatiels, when you look closly you can see that their claws wrap around and are probably digging into the back of they're feet, which is probably pretty painful (especially if they need their nails clipped). You might want to get some cockatiel-sized perches in there, along with some natural perches and rope perches, as they need different textures for their feet.
I am glad you pointed that out to her. I had that pointed out to me as soon as I got my bird. They both are male birds. Did you know that JackDemp538?? You can learn them birds to talk. If you wanted to and they arent to old.. I would like that wish you luck with your newest hobby. Keeping birds can be fun. :kewlpics:
Awww, cool gift and pretty birds. Way to go fiance!! :clap: I used to have cockatiels when I was a kid. Polly and Perky. I know how creative right and they were both boys :*) I did teach them to talk and they were already around 3 when I got them.

Just make sure you close the blinds and cover up any mirrors you might have if you let them out of the cage. I have a terrible childhood memory of my mom letting the birds out of their cages for free time and then not thinking went outside to water flowers. Needless to say Polly wanted to go sit on moms shoulder and was quite surprised when the invisible wall jumped out in front of her. :crazy:
Aww poor Polly. I thought they were two males. The girl we got them from said they were both females. And I was going out today to buy them all new stuff. Whatever was in there for the pictures is what came with them. But I'll be sure to get them different perches. And I also need different food for them. The girl was feeding them all seeds. So I'll have to get some different food.

And the one is pretty friendly, the lighter one, but the darker one is terrified. I read up on how to tame them, and hopefully after a few days of me sitting there with my hand inside the cage he'll get used to me too. :wub:
Awww, what a lovely present! :D

Although im not a huge cockatiel fan, i did have a rescue one with me for a couple of months and he was cool. Used to drive us all mad with his constant chattering though! When the phone rang, as soon as you picked it up he'd say 'hello' in a really posh voice! very funny! :D

I'd agree those perches are very small, they look like budgie perches :/ I'd also say that the cage is maybe a bit small for them. You'll want some toys and stuff in there (it looks very bare!) and they should ideally be able to flap their wings without touching any other toys or each other! I wouldn't say its a major problem, especially if you're able to have them out of their cage each day, but if/when you can get around to it, i'd advise a bigger one :)

Oooh, and go buy loyts of fruit! Tiels love it! :D
Yeah I am going out to buy them new stuff tonight. As for the cage. Maybe when I have some more money. I mean they've lived in it all their life so far, so a month or a couple weeks will be fine. They'll have lots of goodies tonight though.
Yeah, as i said theres no huge rush for it! You'll probably want to change it all over gradually anyway :) Get them used to the new toys first, then they will recognise those in their new cage :)

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