Holly Crab!

M.R Otter

May 13, 2009
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U.A.E-in the city of Dubai.
I had been sitting in my garden wathing my plants.....When I saw the silver arowana holding in a ,S, position I was quit scared to get close to the pond the arowana had looked thin and then BAM it jumped out of the water and snatched a BULBUL!! Fellas is this normal or did I do something wrong when feeding my pond fishes?

The wierd thing was that the Silver arowana had successfuly captured the bulbul.
I had seen the arowana splashing the water of the surface while cathing drawning insects, BUT NOT CATCHING BIRDS!! :blink:
thats how they catch their food in the wild.
for larger specimens its not uncommon for them to catch frogs and small birds
that would be amazing to watch! i am also a bird lover by the way but it is fairly natural, don't get more natural than an arowana jumping from the water to catch its dinner.
would love to see it!
you guys might think that it was great to watch it catch these birds.... but the truth is that this was a frightning experience :-( if Silver arowana jump out of water is normal than what does the silver arowana eat in the wild?
these are what I think the arowana eat in wild:
Fish-Spiders-beetles-baby caiman. did I miss something? do they eat something else in the wild?and like what?
That may be what they typically eat, but they aren't limited to it. If something else comes along that is edible size, they're going to give it a go. No animal is going to turn down a free meal.
So you guys all agree that this is normal right? won't the arowana be harmed while swallowing the bird? will it be digested with no problems?
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum have a unique predatory behavior. They stay close to shore and wait for prey to swim by. They usually keep lateral with a downed tree, to hide. Then they attack their prey, which usually involves jumping out of the water, to either catch large insects, other fish, or small birds in low hanging branches. This behavior has earned the fish the nickname "water-monkey"

are not picky eaters. In a study of their stomach contents, the majority of food items included insects and spiders, most of which were beetles. Also found in the stomachs were crabs, snails, fish, birds, snakes, monkey feces and plant material. It is thought that the snakes and monkey feces were consumed during a flooding. The plant material was probably a result of the predatory behavior of the fish


I love these fish
LOL Kelly very funny :lol::lol::lol:

That's fascinating stuff Nelly is that you in the picture that's a big fish! :good:

Regards onebto
lol that would HURT if one of those bad boys bit you :crazy:
Not quit these fellas are tame, when I enter the pond to take the fallen leaves out, my silver arowana swims with me and scrabbing on my legs and it also chaces off other fishes that are getting near....These guys are great friends!

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