holiday feeders


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
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Hi all,

i went away for a few nights on the weekend and i just bought the block feeder that dissolves in the tank. I have since lost 2 fish, i was just wondering if anyone has had any experiences or knowledge about them. Cause i think they have bloated my fish or something, any ideas?

First of all, sorry to hear what's happened. :(

Holiday feeders are nasty things. We had a discussion about them the other day. They have no nutritional value and are usually bulked up with thinks like plaster and ash which can cause problems not only for the fish but the filter too. They are also only accessible by the bottom feeders in the tank.

I would never use them, if I was going away for up to 10 days I would just leave them, more than that I would consider getting someone to feed them (but measure out the food and put it in cups, and hide the other food!) and as a last resort and automatic feeder.

I'd do a reasonable water change and then see how it goes. How are your parameters?
i know this is going to sound horrible and i accept the smack for it but i only have pH testers however cause of the deaths i am going to invest in a good tester kit :(
im doing a bit water change tomorrow and i hope they will be ok

Wow cheese,

I had no idea they contained plaster and ash. Thanks for the info. ;)
Myself, I would never use them - it is fine to leave your fish without food for a week, better then using those products that can cause deaths or mess up the tank.

a bit confused, you mean leave them with no food at all for a week???
Mel said:
a bit confused, you mean leave them with no food at all for a week???
Yup. Most fish can easily go that long w/o food. And it's much better than using the blocks. Also better than asking a friend or relative who might overfeed them!
I used them when I went away. They worked well except for one of my smaller tank in which all the weed was destroyed... I don't think it was my fish because they didn't have any green poop


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