Holes in Fin


Fish Fanatic
Jan 30, 2005
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I was feeding my Betta and was just watching him and noticed he had 2small holes in his fin, It not affacting his swimming or anything he seems as happy as normal seems strange, I will watch him and if it gets worse I will start treatment.

Just seems strange :dunno:

Will keep you posted.
what treatment and for what would you be treating if he is fine just a little salt in his water will help sometimes bettas have pin holes or split there fins it the hazards of being such fantastic looking fish........ :)
MelaFix® can effectively repair fin damage if the cause is bacterial. However, if the "pin holes" get bigger or spread to other areas, the cause could be fungal.

Stubborn or infective "pin holes" can be treated with Potassium Permanganate (PP), a very potent disinfectant that should be used in small amounts and diluted properly before being used as a bath (i.e. for the fish to swim in it for a short while).

PP comes in the form of purple crystals (see attached diagram) and can be purchased from pharmacies. It is usually used to treat infected skin conditions (eg. foot rot) in humans. To use it as a bath for your fish, do ensure that it is diluted till the water is very light purple and that the crystals have totally dissolved before putting your fish in for a quick dip (i.e. a short swim) - we just want to kill the organism that's causing the holes in the fins and not to kill the fish.

After treatment, the fish should return to a clean tank of water with MelaFix® added to aid tissue repair.

To find out more about Potassium Permanganate (PP), here's an article about its use in the control of external infections in ornamental fish.


Edit: Avoid treating fish with PP more often than once a week.


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