

Jan 30, 2004
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i was feeding my yeloow labs today and observing them (i think they r pairing up) when i moticed what looks like a hole in the one just behind its gill and fin well it actually looks like part of its gil but the otherside doesn't have it and i dont think its acting funn because i dont know how they act when pairing off but any advice is greatly appretiated
how long have you had the lab? is part of the gill plate missing? the gill plate is the covering over the actual gill. could be a birth defect and now that he is getting larger it is more noticeable. could be that it was damaged on some of the decor. keep an eye on it. if it becomes red or inflammed it is probably infected. then meds would be necesssary.
i think it is part of the gill missing and i didn't know they didn't pair off i though most fish did? anyhow why r 2 staying so close togerther and keep going back to the cave alot
It sounds like the male has attracted a female, but that does not make them a pair because they are not monogomous - that male could just as easily attract another female next time, and probably will since the current one will likely be holding soon if they are spawning.

For the gill I agree, just keep an eye on it for infection, if it is a recent wound it will heal, if it isn't then it's not a problem anyway.

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