Hole in the Head


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
So, I've read the pinned topic on HITH.
I really don't completely understand it, and what it's supposed to look like. So... I wanted to ask.

Is that what's going on here?:

The holes go into his head and really look like someone's attacked him with a pin. he's got probably 7 - 10 on each side of his head :(
Okay - I just read that whole article.
The photos that are on that page look nothing like his holes - his holes are moreso just pin-sized holes.

It also mentions in the article that a boring diet can cause the problem.
He only gets Aqua Culture Betta Pellets and the occasional pinch of freeze dried blood worms.

It also says in the article that if you don't know what your fish looks like when it's healthy, it's hard to know if the holes are normal or not. He's certainly looking MUCH better than he was when I got him - he used to swim in spirals, lay at the bottom, was clamped up, and was gray. All of those symptoms have gone away, and since he started feeling better i've not seen him sit still for any longer than 5 seconds when I'm around. he's eating normally and seems to be overall very happy. No bubblenests yet, but it took all my boys quite a while before I saw the first one from any of them.

He does still have bloodrings around his eyes from the septicemia. I haven't done a water change in a few days to see if the large bruisey blood spot is still under his eye, but the last change I did (after he was feeling better) showed the spot still there.

Hmm - i'm confused now.
Are you still medicating.
No I'm not.
I stopped last week on Friday, it's now Monday.
Would you suggest that I start up again?
I'm going to give him a water change here in a few minutes - I want to see how the blood spot on his head is.

He's obviously feeling better, but the holes in his head are worrying me a tad bit. :/
I not liking the sound of this he is getting to many illness on top of one other, carry on with treatment if there is still blood in the eye, good luck.
Maybe try live/frozen food for a change? Or get some tetra delica bloodworms, they are a lot less messy and you squeeze them straight from the packet, but I'd share 1 pouch between all of the bettas. 1 packet is over a months supply.
I just posted a new topic on the follow up of the septicemia so we'll see if anyone knows anything about that nastya$# disease. I'd like to get his completely cleared of that before anything else, so we'll see about that.

I haven't really noticed too many changes with the pinholes in his head, so I'll also keep an eye on those too.

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