hole in the head


New Member
Apr 29, 2003
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Northern Kentucky
i have 2 oscars, 2 catfish, pike cichlid and a pleco in a 55g. My oscars both have hole in the head disease. they seem to get this on and off. it sually goes away pretty fast so i usually dont worry to much about it. now they have had it for awhile. one of them has pretty much stopped eating except for feeder fish. he usually eats pellets an beefheart. what could be the cause of this ans what should i do to treat it. i have been using parasite clear which it says it is for that. i have been using it for about 3 days. i also have been changing the water more frequently. is there anything else i should do about this? any help would be appreciated.
chris :/
I think that even 1 oscar is too big for a 55 galloner. Especially the pleco - those things get HUGE! :S

This is the addy for a site I found that seems to have very good info. It all seems to be accurate from my experiences keeping oscars about 10 yrs ago. CM or anyone else correct me if you do not agree, please.

There is a lot of information on hole in the head disease and possible causes, as well as treatments.

In reference to Jesse's post on the sizes of the fish, without the information on size of each fish, type of catfish and type of pleco, one really can't say if the 55 is to small at this time. Some plecos are quite small while others do get very large. Same goes for cats. Oscars also can get to 12-16 inches in length not including the tail and not being the neatest fish requires more water quantity than other fish. Knowing the types of fish you have would be helpful on this subject. However, oscars, catfish, and plecos are generally very very messy fish. This could affect your water quality. In turn this could be having a big effect on the oscars as being messy
playfulalliecat said:
In reference to Jesse's post on the sizes of the fish, without the information on size of each fish, type of catfish and type of pleco, one really can't say if the 55 is to small at this time.
I meant that those fish would get wayy to big for that tank. Sorry. -_-
No harm Jesse, just remember that not all plecos are huge. There are small breeds as well as large ones. Also small Oscars in a 55 are ok as it gives them room. Yes there is room for concern when all you know is oscars, catfish, and plecos, without more information you really don't know about the tank size and in a roundabout way that could contribute to his problems.

I had 1 3 yr old Oscar in a 30 gallon I can't remember the dimensions of the tank as this was 10 yrs ago when I had lots of different set ups. He was a good sized fish but not too big and he had plenty of room to swim around and chase feeders. So you really can't judge without all things considered. That is the point I was trying to make.

I am sorry if I offended you that wasn't intended.
I also have a medium sized Oscar in a 55 gallon tank that I believe has developed hole in the head. I'm hoping it may be early enough to solve this problem. I've read water quality is a big issue in the development of this disease, and understand just a bit about it. Wondering who has had success treating this in the past and what they used, as different sites may recommend different things. One even suggested a medication that I had to mix with a pound of food. Just thinking that might be a bit hard and strange. 1 tablespoon I believe, but not often do I have a pound of food. Also have several small convicts in the tank and a small Oscar, so not wanting to harm any of them with what I do. Will check the site listed by Playful as well, maybe should have done that first, but would still like to hear personal success stories.

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