Hole In The Head


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
ive been curing my oscar for quite a while now about 2 or 3 weeks i think and im not sure if i fully cured the problem so how can u tell if you completly cured your oscars hole in the head diesis
Have you been doing 20%-30% water changes inbetween treatments? I heard that is very successful. :nod:
What size tank is this fish in, and what are you using to treat it?
one of the most concise articles on Heximita I've ever seen can be seen Here.

yes i did 20-30 % water change i forgot the medicine but it cost me 20 bucks its on a medicine box like wat pharmacy dept uses...... well my ? is how would you kno if i fully cured my Hole in the head desiese on my oscar.........i can still see the hole and there use to be white stuff in it but now its gone so how do u guys think

I personally would treat until I saw a signifigant(sp.) change in the "hole". It also depends on why he has the whole in the head disease. Is it because of poor water quality/stressful conditions or because of the parasite that has also been know to cause the issue. If it is because of the water issues doing several water changes a week until improvement will help him out, if its because of stress ie. too small a tank, too many tank mates etc. you should change his situation, and if its because of the parasite I would treat with the propper anti-parasite medication until you saw improvement.

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