Hole In the head... My poor angel


Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
Denver CO
My poor angel has developed hole in the head. He has white puss on his head and its slowly making its way deeper. I have given it Parasite Clear, it is still not helping. He is more active now but the infection seems to be spreeding. What can I do I don't wanna loose him. Thanks
Hi living_dead,

Hole in the head is very treatable and if you've caught it early enough, you should be able to save your fish. The first thing you've got to do is a great big water change (50% or so). Hole in the head is most commonly, although not always, caused by poor water conditions, which can range anywhere from infrequent water changes to a single nitrate spike. What is the active ingredient in Parasite Clear? What you must use to treat hole in the head is metronidazole. I didn't check to see where you live, but which brand doesn't matter; what matters is that the active ingredient is metro. If Parasite Clear has some other active ingredient, filter with carbon to remove it before changing meds. What is your temp? Make sure it's at least 80; depending on whether or not you're treating him in the company of other fish who are tolerant of warm water, I'd turn it to 82. With meds in the water and the temp that high, you might want to add an airstone as oxygen levels will be depleted. Adding a tablespoon of aquarium salt per five gallons of water will also help with respiration and healing. I would do a 5% water change twice daily, if you're up to the task, and although you should see massive improvements after the first cycle of treatment (usually three doses on alternating days), I highly recommend that you double the length of time that you treat. Tetra makes a medicated flake which is high in metronidazole, as well, and I have found angels willing to eat it. The most important thing is to make sure you keep his water very clean in the future; once he's had hith, if you let his water conditions deteriorate, you can be sure it will return. Good luck and let us know how it goes. :)

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