hole in fin


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
my basement
theres a hole in cometts(my o)anal fin :eek: it was there when i got her -_- i tink she was born like that cause its circular its not fin rot and she didnt get into a fight :eek: classify this as a trademark spical fish that wont die until her time and has some purpose to why i got her maybe to have babies :dunno: its just like magma he is an albino that was a walmart rescue no slime-coat hardly moving around but i saved him now he is better than ever :thumbs: tink he has a purpose too :dunno: what it is
or maybe 'cause she was born like that it was like that when i got her i might not be able to move them because my mom just has to do stupid things all because she dosent want me to get another tank if i dont behave then i cant get a tank THAT I WORKED FOR im gettin tired of my parents doing doing tings that prevent me from gettin my tank I NEED THAT TANK theres a sale at petsmart for a 75 if i dont get it now i will never get it god i need help i dont want to trade them in cause they are in-love and the lfs feeds them feeders and i wont give-um up they are rare and speical and if i trad um in they will die of not enough food they are treated very-well put um in a lfs :rip:
If you cannot properly house a fish- it will die anyway. A slow and painful death most times.
Maybe you should rethink the fish you have?
You have many years ahead of you to get bigger and better tanks and fish too.
st.cichlid said:
...i might not be able to move them because my mom just has to do stupid things all because she dosent want me to get another tank if i dont behave then i cant get a tank THAT I WORKED FOR im gettin tired of my parents doing doing tings that prevent me from gettin my tank ...
Hi st.cichlid :)


Don't you think that being on your best behavior for a while might be worth your effort?

If you really care about your fish, now might be a good time to grow up and start to take some responsibility for your actions. :nod:

After all, crying and whining about things is stupid and childish behavior and it won't get you your tank, anyway. :no:

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