hole in dorsal fin?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
I just noticed yesterday that the male Betta in our community tank has a hole in his dorsal fin (he's a regular Veil tail, BTW). It looks like that particualr ray broke (about halfway up) and there's a small hole where it's come off, and the rest of the fin looks fine. He acts normally, it doesn't appear tobe fin rot or anything (although I don't know what that looks like...). Should I be concerned or just chalk it up to plenty of vigorous swimming to keep the angels from nipping his caudal fin? Thanks.
What are your test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate.
Are you sure you have a nitrate reading of 0,I would add some melafix or salt to the tank, only add salt if you have no scaless fish.
Why would you have your Betta in a community tank with known Fin nippers? One of your alledged Fin Nippers could have done that to him. I would take him out and get him his own tank if others are chasing him around constantly trying to nip at his finnage.
Can't add salt because of the corys and plec... But I have BettaFix is that the same thing as Melafix?

And the angels don't chase him constantly, he's the head honcho in the tank, and they know it...

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