Hole in Betta Dorsel Fin


Oct 25, 2004
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Hi. I went looking at the bettas in the petshop earlier. And I saw this BEAUTIFUL male twin tailed betta. Absoloutely beautiful in the perfect blue with no other colorings at all.

He looked healthy, and even eating, swimming.

but in the dorsel fin, there looks like a tiny little hole, healthy looking hole.

is that ok? I didnt buy him, I wanted to check before I risked anything.
It could be a mild case of finrot. Finrot is usually fairly easy to treat. Some cases are harder. If he's otherwise healthy, I'd say go for it.

To help it heal a little bit faster, add a little bit of aquarium salt to his water and do frequent water changes.
ooooh, if you get him definitely post pics, i'd love to see a twin tail! :D
bah, I went back with a friend, and the fish was gone! Someone must've bought him! :-(

I had found the recipt for the sick betta I had, so I got to exchange him (Even though he looked like he was doing much better, not taking any chances!)

I got a female. My first female.. heck, I havent seen any females for sale in.. ever. She's just so pretty! I'll be taking piccies in a few to post up.

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