well, before i read to do a lot of little ones, i bought 5 gallons worth of salt for my 12 gallon, adn mixed one 2.5 bucketfull saturday afternoon, adn the other around 8:00 pm. The next day (sunday) I went to a church thing, then came back at 9 am, and did a 5 gallon waterchange. Remember my tank is 12 gallons. Everything was fine, and my turbo was more active. The next day (today, Monday) I went downstairs to my room, turned on the aquarium, and found my black and yellow Damsel dead, and my turbo appeared to be dead, it looked folded in half, proped on a rock. So I took a shower, and thought about it, and dedcided to take my turbo out, and save the shell for future hermits. When i went back into my room, the snail had moved about a foot, and was on the side of the tank! It muc=st of been the lights he needed. My hitchhiker feather duster is wwell too. I think you guys were right, and i stocked my damsel too early. I haven't a sw test kit, so no stats, sorry, im saving for one though. All i have a nitrite test solution taht is sw, and fw that came in my fw master kit. I tested my tap water w/ my fw kit, and everything was perfect. IS that what you meant? It's never given me problems before.