Hobbies? Interests?


Jul 28, 2011
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Putting aside all the fish keeping business for a while, what other hobbies/interests do you have at the moment?

I'm currently into knitting and watching k-dramas. :lol: Feel free to share!
Tattoos, cruisin on my motorcycle, poetry, drawing and photography. :p I need more time in the day haha.
Tattoos, cruisin on my motorcycle, poetry, drawing and photography. :p I need more time in the day haha.

Nice! What kinda photography do you like?

I enjoy reading poetry but can never seem to write anything decent. :/
I love making plant cuttings over and over and planting them... must be OCD. :D THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TOO MANY PLANTS I NEEEDS THEM NO SUCH THING AHAHAHAHA!

BTW I love knitting. It's like raising children. very fun at first. Then when you get into the middle you feel like dying. Then when you end, you feel very relieved and accomplished and want to knit again :3
I love making plant cuttings over and over and planting them... must be OCD. :D THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TOO MANY PLANTS I NEEEDS THEM NO SUCH THING AHAHAHAHA!

BTW I love knitting. It's like raising children. very fun at first. Then when you get into the middle you feel like dying. Then when you end, you feel very relieved and accomplished and want to knit again :3

That's hilarious! Your tank must be very large to accomodate that many plants! :eek:

Yes totally agree with you about the knitting part. It gets very boring and tiring in the middle (I'm currently stuck with a sleeve for a cardigan) but at the end it's like WHIPPEE! :fun:
not only do i also knit, but i spin wool too. The spinning is much better than the knitting. But ya gotta do soething with all that yarn :hyper: And i also shoot rifle, so i fit right in in this thread lol Id like to think im decent at photography. I also garden,vegetables and flowers, love to fish and will do so at any given opportunity and love hiking mountains. pretty much anything outdoorsy, really.
BB as in.. blackberry? :S

Haha how do you spin your yarn? That's really awesome B-) There's not much outdoorsy stuff you can do over here :( Been wanting to scuba and snorkel though!
Haha how do you spin your yarn? That's really awesome

get some wool right off the sheep (after they shear it), wash and dry it, clean it, "comb" it and use a spinning wheel. If it is white wool I will often dye it too with natural dyes.

I do some photography as well, mainly nature stuff. I take my kayak out in the summer every now and then. I work cashier at one of my jobs so I have become a pretty avid coin collect of anything decent that I can get out of circulation. Then I watch some animes when I feel lazy.
I do some photography as well, mainly nature stuff. I take my kayak out in the summer every now and then. I work cashier at one of my jobs so I have become a pretty avid coin collect of anything decent that I can get out of circulation. Then I watch some animes when I feel lazy.

That's nice :) I enjoy kayaking too but not many opportunities of doing that here. Used to watch loads of amines as well but recently there aren't that many decent ones...
besides fishkeeping, i crochet, keep ducks for eggs, keep rescued dogs for companions, cook, bake, and i'm currently writing a cookbook on how to adapt mainstream recipes for special diets like gluten free, dairy free, soy free.. etc. AND of course including some of my own recipes that i have adapted for myself.
There's really much you can do in other countries eh. Jealous :(

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