HOB Water Flow Control


Fish Crazy
Sep 18, 2022
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Hey y'all!
I am currently running 2 Aquaclear 110's in my 75 gallon freshwater tank. When shopping for the filters, one of the requirements for me is that it had to have a flow control option, which these claim to have. The problem is, there is barely a difference, if any, between the high/low settings. I have attempted to reduce the flow with DIY baffles (my DIY skills are horrible). While it has helped somewhat, it's still pretty strong. I have floating plants and it seems they are always either getting stuck against the intake filter sponge when being pushed down or they are in a never ending sinking/floating cycle. Not to mention how at feeding time the food gets blasted EVERYWHERE! It's making me crazy!!
Another thing is it seems to be moving the sand towards the front of the tank which raises even more questions/concerns that I believe needs it's own thread in a different forum. Anyway...

My questions are,
How do I decrease this flow?
How to keep my floaters floating?
How to make feeding less messy?

Any advice, tips, tricks, techniques, hacks anything...

Will be much appreciated!!

These are powerful little things. You currently are effectively running four times the power required for that tank.

Even if you cut a whole filter you would still be overkill...

And even at this point I try to run them as clogged as possible.

But if you want very still water with all the filtration power. Consider a rain bar.

They are readily available for canisters and are an easy DIY for HOBs.


They provide incredible gases exchange and very low current. At some point if they see light, they become full of algae contributing to the health of your aquarium...

I made this one in the '90s. still have it. And I'm sure it's time is coming back soon, again.
Forgot to say, these makes a lot of "Music" you'll have to keep the tank topped right under it. But it is an amazing solution.
Thanks for your response! I do have alot of filteration going on for sure, I think I do that to try to relieve my anxiety. I just love watching my "fish TV", it's peaceful and soothing for me. However, keeping them safe and happy makes me feel like a crazy pet mom sometimes!
There's a guy on etsy that makes a baffle specific to the type of HOB that you have but I just don't feel like paying $25 for it .
I over filter most all of my tanks, yet have various floaters in each tank… I make some easy, and the best I’ve tried plant dams to control my floaters and have a thread here, click the magnifying glass and put in plant dams, to find the thread... EDIT... I'll link it for you, now that I'm on my computer, rather than my phone... I now have 5 of these dams in 3 tanks... I have Giant Duckweed, Red Root Floaters, & African Water Lettuce, all held in place, & Asian Water Moss coming for a 4th tank, which will incorporate 2 to hold them in the center of the tank...

You can also slip those foam tips over the suction intake, and they will reduce the flow some, but they plug up quickly, and greatly reduce the flow depending on how plugged you let them get... only bad thing about using those, is the increased maintenance... you’ll need to rinse them out every week or so, just to keep some flow
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I felled on this one, yesterday. Could be something you can easily do.

Sorry for the late response but just wanted to say thanks y'all for your info! Much appreciated!!

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