

Jan 30, 2004
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with my rescent hapennings of my suicidal clown knife i have a 70g tank that looks like a bare pond i am going to wait until we move in may before buying new fish but im gonna start planning what would be ur dream tank for 70g what would u have in it and what would u decorate it with (moneys not an problem) go all out post ur tank plans im interested to see what kinds of fish u want.....i think i would like ether a nice planted tank with the bogwood tint with a tigerfish and a clownknife and a birchir or a the same tank with piranhas.....what would u have.,, anything u want
Iv allways wanted many eels and bottom feeders "mabey it is just because i can keep them alive"
I would work on a amazonian theme using just fish and decor from the amazon region. It would have lots of tall upright peices of bogwood at the back of the tank to simulate tree stumps along a flooded river bank with smaller pieces toward the middle and foreground to replicate broken off pieces that have been washed down the river bed, a few large flat pebbles and pieces of slate at the front of the tank set into the sand substrate would finish of the decor.
For the fish i would start with a school of 3 to 5 pike characins (Boulengerella or Ctenolucius species, probably Ctenolucius hujeta) for the surface, a shoal of at least 6 silver dollars or related species for the middle and a medium sized predatory catfish like 3 to 5 Pimelodus pictus, a pair of Sorubim lima, a pair of Pimelodus ornatus or a single Pimelodus albofasciatus to prowl around the bottom of the tank. Then with the building block fish in place i would choose one or two "star" fish, a medium sized semi aggressive cichlid could work here or a oddball like a black ghost knife fish or one or two of the larger more brightly coloured characin species like Leporanis affinis or Chalceus macrolepidotus (or a combination of some or all dependeing on the size and temperment of the cichlid, Leporanis could not live with a BGK as they can be fin nippers). Pike cichlids (Crenicichla species) are a particualar favourite of mine and one of the smaller species (under 10") could work well in this style of tank.
Finally i would add a small clean up crew of hardy catfish like a couple of medium sized plecs and a few doradids (raphael catfish, spotted or striped) or Hoplosternum.
CFC has given you a great list there I would go with something along those lines and you'd have a great tank.
i took some of your ideas cfc and modified them slightly and used some of the fish i did some research to so here it goes i am going to use a amazonian tank but more of the piranha breeding kind with sand substrate and tallthin plants and floating plants so only blotches of light can pass through and reflect off of the bottom and i will have lots of bogwoodwhich will tint my water and for fish i want a pike characin (either striped or golden) and perhaps a red tail jardini my twig catfish (already have) a ornate pim or a banded pimelodus and a pink tailed chalceus and maybe some silver dollars if i have room
tdins_2 said:
red tailed Jardini
I am afraid you have no where near enough room for a Jardini Arowana, they will grow to 30" or more and when fully grown will need a tank of around 400 gallons, a minimum starting tank would be 180 gallons and even that would be out grown within 18 months.

Personally I would have-

2-3 Ctenolucius hujeta
2 Sorubim lima
2 Leporanis affinis
2 Ornate Pims
4 Hoplos
1 Large species of Plec
6 Silver Dollars

and maybe a species of Pike Cichlid.
Also the jardini is not a amazonian fish as they come from australia. It would eat the pike characins and chalceus both of which are slow growers compared to the arowana, jardinis are a incredibly aggressive arowana species that can only really be kept with large bottom dwelling species.

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